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The network of doctoral students

The Sport Perf Health project includes a dynamic network of PhD students working on the theme of sport and physical activity. The objective of this network is to promote theoretical and methodological exchanges between the scientific fields involved in Sport Perf Health.

The network is currently being created and activities will start soon.


For information about the network, you can contact

  •     Aïna Chalabaev (aina[dot]chalabaev[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)
  •     Samuel Verges (SVerges[at]chu-grenoble[dot]fr)
  •     Laetitia Minniti (laetitia[dot]minniti[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)

Submitted on March 6, 2023

Updated on March 8, 2023