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The team Sport Perf Health

The Sport Perf Health project is made up of a dynamic and diversified team of more than 60 people, coordinated by Aïna Chalabaev and Samuel Vergès. Several bodies ensure the smooth running of the project: working groups by case study, working groups by transversal axis, the executive committee (Comex), the general assembly, the industrial and innovation committee and the scientific advisory board (SAB).




The Comex

It is coordinated by the project leaders, and is made up of those in charge of the case studies, those in charge of the transversal axes, and a representative of the socio-economic environment.

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The partners

The partners include 12 research laboratories and 9 socio-economic partners (sports clubs, start-ups, private companies, associations and physical activity and health institutions)

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The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)

The scientific advisory committee is composed of 6 internationally recognized researchers in the field of sport and physical activity from Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Luxembourg and France.

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Working groups by case study and by transversal axis

To meet the objectives of Sport Perf Health, four case study workgroups and four transversal axis workgroups were formed.

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The network of doctoral students

The Sport Perf Health project includes a dynamic network of PhD students working on the theme of sport and physical activity. The objective of this network is to promote theoretical and methodological exchanges between the scientific fields involved in Sport Perf Health.

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communauté SPH

Submitted on March 2, 2023

Updated on March 8, 2023